Workshop: Tweet"Core Clojure - A Practical Introduction"
Clojure is a powerful new JVM-based programming language with a unique take on concurrency, power, interactivity and practicality which is seeing rapid adoption in industry. This introductory workshop will give you a thorough practical grounding with this unique language whilst also touching on some of its next-gen philosophical ideas.
Through a series of fast-paced highly interactive introductory examples we will get a feel for the language, be able to write our first Clojure programs as well as calling and interacting with any of the available Java libraries. Expect to come away with a new perspective on programming and a powerful new tool for your developer toolkit.
Core topics this workshop will cover are:
- Function first programming
- The importance of immutability
- Mastering state
- Thinking concurrently
- Making use of Java libraries
- The power of interactive development
Workshop Prerequisites
A working Clojure REPL. This can be achieved by installing:
- JDK 1.6+
- leiningen v2+ (
A Clojure-aware editor. For example, one of:
- Light Table (http//
- Eclipse + Counter Clockwise (
- Emacs + CIDER (
- Vim + fireplace.vim (